
Top 3 Social Media Hacks for Your Health and Wellness Business


1.4 billion people are active on Facebook every single day. As a matter of fact, 81% of the American population engages on one or more social media channels. That spells out a huge opportunity for your business.

Social media marketing is one of the most low-cost and effective ways to engage customers. That holds true for your health and wellness business.

Here you can find 3 social media hacks to maximize your health and wellness business’ online presence!

1) Your Patients Have Incredible Stories – Give Them a Platform to Share Their Stories

Some people seeking help from physicians have a long journey ahead of them. Difficult bouts with a disease, long periods of physical therapy and chronic illness really put a strain on lives.

To succeed during difficult treatments, one needs an incredible, unbreakable spirit. When patients find it in themselves to exhibit that spirit and overcome the odds, it’s inspiring. People love hearing about these types of stories.

If your patients feel comfortable doing so, sharing their tales of taking back their lives from adversity can be an excellent way to spread positivity on social media. These types of social media hacks also do wonders to promote your business.

2) Tell the World about Your Team

Your physical therapists, doctors, nurses and other medical staff all have stories. Let the world hear them.

There are few relationships more personal than that of a healthcare professional and their patient. Patients want to know everything they can about the person administering their treatment so they can feel comfortable partnering with them on their healthcare journey.

Asking members of your team to share on your company’s social media page, how they came into this industry, and what inspired them to do so can be a powerful outreach tool.

3) Share Quick Health Tips

We live in a world where infinite amounts of information are available to us online. Because of that, users on social media want quick, fun and actionable information to consume.

To that end, try posting quick “health hacks” on your social media page. This type of content tends to get a lot of shares and other forms of engagement.

Appropriate tips would be something like diluting sugary juices people buy at the grocery store by mixing them half and half with water. You can even go into detail on how much sugar readers would be cutting down per serving by doing it.

For added ‘shareability’, try making your post media rich! Media-rich social posts have a higher likelihood of getting seen. A video illustrating a health tip is a lot more valuable than just text explaining it. Infographics are also very popular and easily consumed by readers.

When you can, provide this content in a downloadable format, so that people can reference your tips in the future.

Wrapping Up Health and Wellness Social Media Hacks

Social media is a powerful channel to engage patients if you work in the health and wellness industry.

Doing things like sharing patient and staff stories or sharing quick, easy to understand tips on how one can maximize their daily health will help you pick up traction on your social media platforms and generate quality leads!

If your healthcare business is looking to maximize your online presence, you’ll need to put a solid strategy together. We can help.

Engaged Digital has been providing companies in the health and wellness industry with multi-faceted strategies to engage consumers online for years.

With our help, you’ll be able to build up your online authority and client portfolio in a fraction of the time it normally takes for businesses in the health sector to establish themselves.

Check out our full list of services today! You can also contact us for a consultation if you’re not sure where to start!

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Additional Reading

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